Welcome to VetEpiGIS-stat.

VetEpiGIS-Stat is a free QGIS tool that helps veterinarian users in the management of spatial data related to animal disease. VetEpiGIS-Stat is a plugin of VetEpiGIS a QGIS plugin suite. The aim is to collect spatial statistical methods used in veterinary epidemiology into a plugin and create an easy to use interface for their application.


Norbert Solymosi (@solymosin) *;
* from University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest.


Nicola Ferrè *;
Matteo Mazzucato (@mmazzucato) *;
Paolo Mulatti *;

* from Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (http://www.izsvenezie.it).


Send an email to gis@izsvenezie.it